Re-encounter with Suhendri Tips I came this time to continue the blog to write a study guide just for you. The discussion this time around Tips to Create a Blogger account, which had previously been discussed how to Create a Google Account.
Each step in the manufacture of bloggers work must be properly addressed step by step, so that your blogger account declared finished and can start writing activities for you, in this case is a blogger.
1. Go to or click here
2. Select the button get started, see the following figure
3. Fill out the registration form correctly according to a google account that you created, as shown below
4. After that well remember your password to continue, Checklist acceptance requirements and select the continue button, see figure
5. Specify the name and blog url that you create, select continue, see figure
6. After that proceed by choosing one of the template you want to use, see picture
7. Finally you have declared a success, then you are ready to write, see figure
Any step by step will I present here just for you, to ease you abreast Suhendri Tips article, please subscribe to this article. OK friends congratulations you have a blogger account and ready to enjoy your writing.
Create a Blogger Account
Create a Blogger Account Start To Stage The steps, Look And Perform
Lots of new bloggers popping up, can not be separated because it is easy to create a blogger account. To see the steps as follows1. Go to or click here
2. Select the button get started, see the following figure
3. Fill out the registration form correctly according to a google account that you created, as shown below
4. After that well remember your password to continue, Checklist acceptance requirements and select the continue button, see figure
5. Specify the name and blog url that you create, select continue, see figure
6. After that proceed by choosing one of the template you want to use, see picture
7. Finally you have declared a success, then you are ready to write, see figure
Any step by step will I present here just for you, to ease you abreast Suhendri Tips article, please subscribe to this article. OK friends congratulations you have a blogger account and ready to enjoy your writing.